Wie funktioniert unser Ökosystem? Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit • Für eine integrierte Versorgung ✓ Compassana, das digital unterstützte Gesundheitsökosystem.


Integrated healthcare – simply smart

Our healthcare system is one of the best in the world – but in terms of networking and digitalisation, there are new and as of yet largely untapped opportunities. Currently, a patient's different service providers are insufficiently digitally connected with each other. Structured data is rarely used, documents are exchanged on paper or via e-mail.

At Compassana, we are committing ourselves to improve cooperation and integrated healthcare with all stakeholders. Analogue processes are digitally linked in the best possible way. The core of the ecosystem is our digital platform which connects all sectors of care. Like this, patients will be able to better follow their treatment paths in the future. The following three coordinated levels are necessary for this:

Our ecosystem in figures

Become an ecosystem partner now

Our vision of improved integrated care is ambitious. We have dared to take the first step – and are currently building our ecosystem together with our shareholders and other partners.

Join the Compassana ecosystem? We look forward to your message to arrange a personal meeting.