


03. September 2024

Vegetarians are less likely to get diabetes

In some cases, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes can be halved by switching to a plant-based diet.

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Family lying on bed

27. August 2024

Thickening of the heart muscle: genetic testing can help the entire family

There are a number of possible causes for thickening of the heart muscle. High blood pressure is the most common cause of a thickened cardiac muscle. If the thickening of the muscle is genetic, it may cause major problems in individual patients. Genetic testing can provide important additional information when it comes to early treatment – for yourself and for your closest family members, says cardiologist Dr Peter Burger.

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App mockup of documents screen

20. August 2024

Question of the month: How does the document storage feature in the Compassana patient app work?

The Compassana app is an intuitively designed and user-friendly place in which to organise your documents securely.

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MRI images of spine

13. August 2024

What can you do if you have a curvature of the spine?

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature and rotation of the spine over three dimensions. Targeted training can improve poor posture brought about by scoliosis and strengthen the back where it is weaker.

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06. August 2024

Showcasing our ecosystem partners: Pallas Kliniken

The latest member to join the Compassana ecosystem is one of Switzerland's leading hospital groups specialising in ophthalmology and aesthetic medicine.

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Patient and health care professional

30. July 2024

Question of the month: As a patient, why should I be doing tasks that my doctor would otherwise do for me?

How Compassana creates a secure platform for your treatment.

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Two slightly slanted mobile phone screens, left with new detail page and right with additional intake scheme

23. July 2024

New features in the Compassana App 2.5

The feedback you provide on the Compassana app helps us to make continuous improvements. The latest version of our application for patients includes the following enhancements:

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16. July 2024

The advantages of a digitalised health care ecosystem in Switzerland

Switzerland, with its well-developed health care system and innovative spirit, is the ideal place to build a digitalised ecosystem. Read on to find out who stands to benefit.

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Pregnancy test

09. July 2024

Family planning for cancer survivors

The first priority for anyone who is diagnosed with cancer at a young age is their recovery. But what happens after you've survived cancer? Can you still start a family? These are the issues that young cancer patients have to consider before starting treatment. Both cancer and the therapies used to treat it can damage egg and sperm cells. This makes conceiving naturally more difficult or impossible in some cases.

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