New features in the Compassana App 2.5
The feedback you provide on the Compassana app helps us to make continuous improvements. The latest version of our application for patients includes the following enhancements:

Managing your medication is now even easier and clearer
You can now update or adjust the dosage schedule arranged with your doctor for each of your medications. You can either enter the dosage schedule directly when you first add the medication or edit it later. The dosage schedule is displayed clearly under each item in your list of medications, allowing you to filter your list depending on the time of day. This means that you can now see at a glance when you need to take which medication, and you can also share this information transparently with your treatment team. You'll always have your medication in hand.
New look for the treatment team
The detailed views of your treatment team have been given a makeover. As well as making the pages more visually appealing, the updated layout also makes them easier to navigate. The most important information and activities, such as "Call" or "Book", are now clearly visible at the top of each page.
Click here for an overview of the Compassana app's key functions.