Question of the month: As a patient, why should I manage my medication myself?
There are many pitfalls when it comes to medication lists. How Compassana helps patients to avoid the most important ones.

The purpose of the Compassana medication list is to provide safety for every patient. After all, it forms the basis for every course of treatment. It is precisely where there is a lack of clarity about the medication or the dosage is being taken in a different way to the one prescribed by the doctor that mistakes can occur. Compassana’s medication list gives patients the opportunity to create a safe foundation for their treatment. Because no matter when help is needed, patients can use the medication list to receive safe, high-quality treatment
- even in an emergency;
- if their usual medical specialists are on holiday; or
- when they are on holiday themselves.
As a patient, what do I need to do?
There are several ways for patients to complete their list. We recommend the two easiest and fastest ways:
- scan all barcodes on the medication;
- ask your general practitioner for an eMediplan at your next check-up
How health care professionals should proceed
Almost every practice information system can generate an eMediplan. In many cases, this only requires a few clicks and can be done by medical practice assistants or secretaries.
- Click here to find out if your practice information system generates eMediplans
- Download the Compassana app and discover how quickly you can put a medication list together
So the upshot is: nowadays, patients can, and indeed, should take more responsibility for their own medical care. It is not that complicated and not at all time-consuming. The Compassana medication list is the most important step in this direction. In doing so, patients can support their health care providers and ensure greater patient safety and high-quality treatment with an up-to-date medication list.
We would be very pleased if you were to use the app and provide us with your feedback. We would also be happy to assist you with the initial steps if needed. Simply contact our support team.