Das digitale Gesundheitssystem steht medizinischen Fachpersonen zur Verfügung


All data for service providers – simply smart

The Compassana Med Cockpit helps health professionals to access and share patient data – after obtaining their consent – more easily and faster than ever before. Our web-based tool facilitates smooth and seamless cooperation between medical professionals. This enhances the provision of integrated care and speeds up administrative processes.


Faster, more efficient and more secure communication: Share important information or data with your patients or other service providers in real time to ensure comprehensive care. Confidential information is transmitted via Compassana in encrypted form: this ensures that care is provided efficiently without any gaps in information and improves the chances of successful treatment.

A clearly organised list of medications: Information on the medication your patients are taking increases their safety, prevents treatment errors and helps keep health care costs down.

Full master data: Access to your patients' current data - even after they have moved or changed their insurer.

Treatment-relevant data at your fingertips: Access to categorised documents, medical data and information such as reports, prescriptions, medical advice, links or images that have been issued to your patients by other service providers. You will be able stay up to date on all telemedicine or past appointments with specialists and can access the information with the click of a mouse.

Die zentrale Datendrehscheibe für medizinische Leistungserbringende

Login – who can use the Compassana Med Cockpit?

Generally, all service providers can be part of Compassana. This is based on an ecosystem partnership with Compassana.

Learn more about the Compassana Med Cockpit

Comprehensive data privacy

Compassana Med Cockpit users are free to decide who they wish to share their data with. However, if it would mean improved treatment, service providers may ask patients directly for their consent to view their data.

Using the Compassana Med Cockpit is subject to the most stringent legal provisions and the latest recommendations in respect of information security and data privacy. 



  • E-mail: support.med@compassana.ch
  • Telephone: +41 44 585 76 78
  • Service hours: Mon-Sun 8 am - 7 pm