Question of the month: How can patients and health care professionals make changes to an existing medication?
How patients can update their medication list and keep health care professionals informed.

You will need an eMediplan from your health care professional in order to transmit more than one medication at the same time. The plan contains a QR code that you can scan using the app. Once you have successfully scanned the QR code, all the medications included in it will be listed. Now you can remove all your previous medication with a single click. This will enable you to see all of the medications that are on both lists. Then choose the ones you will be taking from now on.
If you have been given a new medication, you can scan it as usual or enter it manually. When doing so, fix the treatment period that you have discussed with your health care professional. If this medication replaces an earlier one, then also adjust its treatment period by setting the end date. Once this end date has been reached, your medication will be added to the previous medication.
With Compassana, patients can use the app and healthcare professionals use Compassana Med Cockpit. Patients can consent to the sharing of their data so that it can be viewed as a basis for treatment by medical professionals at a doctor’s practice or in the accident and emergency department. How to share your medication:
- search for your general practitioner and specialist practice, hospital, and so on;
- save it as a favourite – to do so, just click on the heart symbol;
- activate the data view for each location.
In summary, it is important and essential for good treatment that patients know what medication they are taking or used to take. Patients and healthcare professionals can work together to manage medication lists using the Compassana medication list. Moreover, regardless of their location, patients can share this information with their healthcare professionals via the Compassana Med Cockpit.